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Shannon Tripp

Shannon is our newest stylist to qualify after being the latest of our Larry King protégé’s to pass our rigorous qualifying criteria. She is a talent that we are very excited to now have as part of the team. Shannon is proving to be a brilliant young talent and we are excited to see her future as a stylist at Larry King blossom. She is a very talented stylist who has developed an intricate knowledge of mixing really technically great hair cuts with the visual tweaks that shows a deep understanding of what works with a clients hair texture and features. From perfectly tailored crops, beautifully tousled layers to gents cuts that could almost be confused as one of Larry’s.

Over the years, Shannon has worked on multiple shoots and shows along side Larry and the senior team.

Shannon is absolutely one to watch.

Shannon Tripp
Shannon’s work

Follow Shannon on Instagram @shannontripphair

  • Shannon has been an incredible part of the team for a long time and has worked hard to perfect her craft and really embrace all the training available to her and the results really do speak for themselves. Honestly, some of the haircuts I’ve seen her do, have left me blown away, producing work well beyond her years.

Shannon’s prices



Ladies cut and blow dry £85
Gents cut and blow dry £65
Blow dry £60
Permanent blow dry £220
Hairline permanent blow dry £180


Shannon Tripp
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